Subei "Volume King", Xizi Intelligent Huai'an first intelligent library was launched
Huai'an is a rich land of fish and rice, and it is also an emerging industrial city. Located in the Yangtze River Delta region, it is an important central city in northern Jiangsu, a modern central city in the northern part of the Yangtze River Delta, a member city of Nanjing Metropolitan Area, and the first city in the Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt.
Project background The First People's Hospital of Huai'an City is an important diagnosis and treatment institution in Huai'an and surrounding areas, with a daily patient volume of 884,2022 and a daily traffic volume of more than <>,<> vehicles, while there are only <> parking spaces in the hospital. In order to alleviate the parking difficulties around the First Municipal Hospital and improve the surrounding parking and traffic environment, after fully considering the demonstration and utilization rate, in <>, the First Municipal Court began to implement the intelligent mechanical three-dimensional parking garage project. 近日,淮安市重点医疗机构及周边(一院)智能立体停车库项目启用仪式顺利举行,这是苏北体量最大,淮安首个智能立体停车库,标志着淮安市在破解城市停车难题、推进交通环境提质升级上取得了新突破。 项目地址
设备信息 Garage type:vertical lift classNumber of equipment layers: 9 layersQuantity:more than 400 parking spacesEquipment advantages:intelligent manipulator to access the car, saving construction costsAccess advantages: 6 in and 6 out, license plate recognition guidance into storage, input license plate intelligent access car, unattended, fast speed, low energy consumption As an urban static traffic planner, Xizi Intelligent reconstructs the urban parking space according to local conditions, and is committed to providing the most reasonable solutions.To make every inch of land necessary, effectively save land resources, and create "unlimited" parking potential for limited space, Xizi Intelligent will continue to escort intelligent transportation and provide more intelligent products. — END —